Function: retail

Status: built

Year: 2020-2022

Team: Răzvan Negrișanu, Alexandra Pascotescu, Anda Dobîndă

Structural engineering: S.C. Zergon S.R.L.

HVAC & MEP: Alpha Engineering S.R.L.

Photo credits: David Dumitrescu

The shopping center building is a two-level structure with a total area of 4.500 square meters. The design features a central courtyard located near the escalators that connect the ground floor to the first floor. The courtyard is supposed to be an oasis of greenery and natural light, providing a visual respite for shoppers and an inviting atmosphere. The building's facade is characterized by clean lines and a modern aesthetic. The use of natural light and greenery throughout the building, including the courtyard, creates a harmonious relationship between the interior and exterior spaces. The interior lighting is designed to complement the natural light and enhance the shopping experience. The building's layout is designed to promote a seamless flow of foot traffic and ease of navigation for shoppers. Overall, the shopping center building's design, create an inviting atmosphere and an enjoyable shopping experience.