Function: mixed-use

Status: under construction

Year: 2021-present

Team: Răzvan Negrișanu, Roxana Fabian, Alexandru Măduță, Anda Dobîndă

Structural engineer: Cross Structural Design S.R.L.

HVAC & MEP: Activ Engineering S.R.L.

Renders: Barbar Studio

Nord One Brediceanu is the first construction of a mixed housing project of collective housing and services. The land on which the building is situated is located in the central-western part of the city, surrounded by Calea Circumvalatiunii in the west, Coriolan Brediceanu Street in the north and the railway line on the east side.

The volumetry of the building took into account the specific conditions of the studied area: orientation towards the cardinal points, offering a good sunlight to the apartments, generating perspectives towards the city's areas of interest, proximity to the railway, compliance with the requirements imposed by the urban masterplan, but also the most efficient occupation of the land. The building is composed, visually, of two volumes differentiated by color and materiality: one static, with loggias and windows aligned, in contrast to the second, which gives dynamism to the overall image through the offset of loggias and windows. The common element of these volumes is given by the core that emphasizes the rhythm of the structure. The building is 13 storeys high, accommodating 112 apartments and 15 retail spaces. The ground floor of the building has been designed with spaces with complementary functions and services, and from the first floor upwards, with an exclusively residential function. The design aimed to realize diversified housing typologies, from apartments with 2, 3, 4 rooms, to apartments extended on 2 levels.