International competition

Function: center for arts, technology and experiments

Status: competition

Year: 2020

Team: Daniela Negrișanu, Răzvan Negrișanu, Alexandra Pascotescu, Ioana Stan, Anda Dobîndă

This proposal is intended to be a reinvention, both functional and symbolic, of an area in Timișoara that has only recently begun to be reintegrated, even partially, through the Corneliu Miklosi Museum, into the urban collective mentality. It is an area with many opportunities due to its location within the city, its functional proximity, but also the existing heritage on the site, as a witness to a former functional footprint, a landmark for Timișoara of yesteryear.

Starting from the heritage potential of the site and the theme of the competition, the project proposes a new urban landmark, a landmark of innovation and technology that also functions as a social coagulant. In order to fulfill this double function, the project proposes not only a mutual enhancement of the functions (the museum interconnected with Multiplexity, with the memorial house), but also a redefinition of the idea of urban and social links, here conceived more as connectors. It is a reworking of the theme of the existing nodes and routes on the site, transposed into pretexts at an urban level, for a different kind of social connection on a macro and micro urban scale, designed to functionally activate, bring people together and vascularize the site. The project can thus be interpreted as a redefinition of exploration in one's own city, suddenly reinvented from its own values. Exploration that becomes a journey. Journey as story. Journey as experience. Journey as art.