residential area

Function: residential

Status: under construction

Year: 2021-present

Team: Răzvan Negrișanu, Alexandru Măduță, Anda Dobîndă

Structural engineer: S.C. Zergon S.R.L.

MEP: S.C. PAD ENGINEERING S.R.L., Volintiru Lucian-Toma

"People will not feel comfortable in their houses unless a group of houses forms a cluster, with the public land between them jointly owned by all the householders...It is the source for gradual differentiation of neighborhood land use, and it is the natural focus of neighborly interaction." 

Christopher Alexander, A pattern Language

The development includes a group of 2 and 3 housing units per lot.  The general idea of the development is a reinterpretation of the classical row houses that give a monotony to the urban level by the continuous frontage, thus resulting in a development on the depth of the site, with a fragmented frontage that gives the street dynamics. This gesture aims to create clusters of houses with semi-private courtyards designed to facilitate human interaction within the community. 

At the urban level the solution proposed only one street side project with 3 units defining corner lots, thus framing the 2 units lots. In terms of their arrangement on the site, they are laid out in a balanced configuration, with one housing unit in front, facing the street, while the rest of them are set in the back.The layout concept of the lots is to create green courtyards with an increased degree of privacy accessible from a shared mineral courtyard. The ground floor spaces leave the impression of a single volume, while the upper floor gains independence.