• Daniela Negrișanu

    Co-founder of RD SIGN, Daniela Negrisanu graduated in 2004 from Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Polytechnic University in Timisoara, where she also took master degree in "Restoration of Historical Environments and Buildings". The doctoral studies, culminating with a PhD in the field of architecture as seen from social sciences, focusing specifically on housing, took her to a didactic career which began in 2004, currently orientated on project design classes, Architectural Anthropology and Aesthetics courses, from the position of a tenured lecturer. From 2019 she is a member of the National Commission for Granting the Architects’ Signature Right, representing the National OAR (Order of Architects of Romania).
    All these complementary activities are some of the instruments for keeping the architectural practice branched to academia, to theory and interdisciplinary fields, also branched to architectural profession as seen at a national level.