

Function: multi-use

Status: project in progress

Year: 2021-present

Team: Daniela Negrișanu, Răzvan Negrișanu, Alexandra Pascotescu, David Dumitrescu, Daniel Muntean, Alexandru Bendelic

Structural engineer: Zergon

HVAC & MEP: Active Engineering, Electrotehink

The main focus of the project was to create a building that sits with respect for the historical context in which it emerges, but which at the same time has a visible presence and an urban landmark and functional landmark.

The new hall of the gymnasium aims to be an insertion at urban level that does not alter negatively the perspective from the main boulevard, 16 December 1989. This mindset can be found in the materials chosen, the shape and proportions of the building, as well as the new relations this projects bring to the whole CNB campus.