International competition

Function: mixed-use urban design

Status: competition

Year: 2023

Team: Daniela Negrișanu, Răzvan Negrișanu, Alexandra Pascotescu, David Dumitrescu, Dariana Pau, Daniel Muntean

in collaboration with: Miruna Bărăitaru, Alex Dulflu, Alexandru Ardelean, Călin Fălcușan, Szabolcs Gyorgy, Denisa Landler, Edward Kiss, Alexandru Naghiu, Corneliu Sîrb

Starting from the idea of creating a new city center, we took as a reference the way Bratislava developed its network of public urban spaces over time. Our focus starts with the enclosed area of the Bratislava castle and then with the development of the squares of the dense tissue inside the fortified walls, where the unbuilt space, the void, becomes the place of social interraction.