Cazarma U Hotel

Function: hotel

Status: under development

Year: 2021-present

Team: Răzvan Negrișanu, Daniela Negrișanu, Laura Stanciu, Anda Dobîndă

The project is located in the center of Timișoara, in a protected built-up area named Cetate Quartiere, right near Unirii Square. The main purpose of the urban planning documentation is the Rehabilitation, improvement and expansion of the Military Dormitory/ U Barracks and the improvement of the urban space around the building. This building is considered to be an perspective end from Aradului Street, placed near the buried ruins of the Gate of Vienna which in the past was one of the entrances in the city. 

The former building went through different plan configurations over time, from a building with an inner courtyard to an U shaped plan, which is the current shape of the existing building.  The expansion proposal consists in filling the free space in between the wings of the existing building with a new, contemporary addition and coming back to the original, historic plan shape, with an inner courtyard. The destination of the building will be hotel services with additional functions.

For the public space around the building, the proposal consists in creating a shared space in front of the northern facade, placing new urban furniture and creating a public underground parking.

The original building will preserve its appearance and proportions and will create a connection between the public functions from the ground floor and the public space around the building. The addition will be a transparent building, subordinate to the existing one, with a free ground floor that creates a connection between the inner courtyard and the public space in front of the building.

The rehabilitation of this building is necessary and important, not only for the aesthetics of the Unirii Square, but also because it brings value to the city and to a well placed plot that was forgotten for a too long period of time.